I am in the process of building a number of datasets relating to the economic effects of geopolitical risk and interstate conflict. I am happy to provide updates on the status of these data sets via email if you are interested in using them.
The hardest part of statistical modeling is often not knowing what you want to do, but knowing how to do it. As such, I have provided links below to a number of coding walkthroughs I've developed for both workshop presentations and my research.
I am in the process of building a number of datasets relating to the economic effects of geopolitical risk and interstate conflict. I am happy to provide updates on the status of these data sets via email if you are interested in using them.
- U-Boat Attacks During World War I and World War II (Incident and Daily Level)
- Trade Orientation of Pre-World War I U.S. Industries
- Commodity Price Data for Selected World War I era U.S. Industries: Raw Cotton, Cotton Manufacturing, Wheat, Tin
- Historical Commodity Price Data from the Chicago and Milwaukee Boards of Trade, 1914-1918
- Scud Attacks during the Gulf War (Incident Level)
- data, from Department of Defense
- Annual Iron/Steel Imports, 1905-1920
- Campaign Contribution Data from 1936, 1940, and 1944 Presidential Election Cycles (w/ Sam Schutt)
- Financial Data Relating to the Persian Gulf and Iraq Wars (mainly from FRED)
- Daily Casualties and Terrorist Attacks in Iraq, 2003-2011 (IBC and GTD)
- World War I and II era Commodity Prices and Trade Flows (mainly from NBER)
- World War II era Stock Prices, 1930-1945 (WRDS)
The hardest part of statistical modeling is often not knowing what you want to do, but knowing how to do it. As such, I have provided links below to a number of coding walkthroughs I've developed for both workshop presentations and my research.
- Introduction to Coding in R (w/ Alex Beck)
- Visualizing Models in R and Stata
- Introduction to Web Scraping in R
- R Code
- Calculating Marginal Effects in Stata
- Stata code, TOGD data
- Missile Data is unfortunately too large to post; a similar data set is available here
- Research Example: Comparing Millennial Opinion on Foreign Policy using the 'contrast' command in Stata
- Check back for new code as I post more files!